What is Remote Browsing as a Service?
When browsing the internet from AP Lens, your machine is completely segregated from the websites you are visiting,
and tracking cookies and website-based attacks cannot reach you.
AP Lens anonymises your online traffic, and even opens suspicious email links for you.
No software installation, configuration, maintenance or patching is required.
Stop cyberattacks, ONLY Connect to vetted URLs
Domain whitelist is like a shield, protect you from unknown or suspicious websites.
We select over 20000 domains and websites that are trustworthy and secure.
By using whitelist DNS, unvetted URLs will be diverted to a secure remote browser.Personal
Instant ready
Available on all devices
No installation
AP Lens requires no software download, installation or update from the user's side.
AP Lens stops websites from downloding malicious files, because the remote broswer is segregated from your device.
AP Lens works on all computers operative systems and all mobiles.
AP Lens stops any third-party cookies, browser and computer setting from tracking your online activity.
AP Lens protects your privacy
Stop third-party cookies
Prevent browser and device profiling
Stop location-based tracking
No impact on user experience
Online privacy is constantly at risk against tech giants one side, and increasingly professionalised cyber criminals on the other. VPNs and private browser can help, but are not enough to stop tracking tools such as cookies, browser and device profiling and location-based tracking, among others. Sometimes, these tools can impact user experience by slowing down speed or breaking up websites visualisation. AP Lens addresses all these issues at once, with one agentless tool, which you can experience without being required to download or install any new software.AP Lens prevents phishing and spyware
- Malicious file download
- Web browser exploits
- Script based malware
- Website spoofing
- Phishing
Website based attacks and phishing are very common attacks that can unfortunately by-pass most anti-virus devices. Why? Because traditional cybersecurity tools are built on the blacklisting principle: they aim at blocking threats which are recognised via threat intelligence databases, which require contant updates, and AI tools supported by cybersecurity analysis, which is often too expensive for the indivudal users. AP Lens takes an entirely new approach: we will open all un-trusted websites for you in a remote browser: this way, any attempt at attacking you simply cannot reach your device.SMALL BUSINESS
Quick setup
Low maintenance
AP Lens is built according to the zero-trust principle.
No software download, no installation or updating required. Keep using your browser while navigating on AP Lens.
AP Lens meets regulatory requirements requested by cybersecurity insurance policies.
No maintenance
Save IT resources with
AP Lens. Stop malware and phishing, no continuous monitoring, or detect and response required.
Unlike most cybersecurity solutions currently available on the market, AP Lens is built with small business in mind.
AP Lens is intuitive, incredibly user-friendly and to require as little maintenance and configuration as possible from the user’s side.
It requires no software download, no installation, configuration or monitoring and is available for all platforms and devices,including mobile devices.
Web traffic filtering
No firewall required
Zero trust policy
No software installation required
Protects company owned as well as personal devices and mobile phones
Traditional cybersecurity has evolved to meet the needs of complex actors such as corporates, banking, governments. Its most sophisticated tools, like AI enabled managed detection and response systems, require significative financial and human resources to be run effectively.
AP Lens is built with small businesses needs in mind. AP Lens is intuitive, user-friendly and require as little maintenance and configuration as possible from the users' side. It performs the functions of traditional firewalls and anti-virus, preventing malware downloads and enforcing web filtering based on the zero trust principle. And it requires no device or software installation, configuration and manteinance.Remote devices management
Access IP enabled devices securely
No server configuration, maintenance and update required
Access IOT devices configuration interfaces from a segregated, remote browser
Do you find yourself having to remotely access and configure an increasing large number of IOT devices, routers, IP cameras and CCTVs and other IP enabled machines? Doing so through a server can expose you to vulnerabilities linked to server configuration, manteinance, update as well as to malicious threats moving vertically from your device to the server and vice versa.
AP Lens allows you to access admin pages of any IP enabled device from a remote broswer whose session is inititated from scratch every time you log-in, and destroyed at the end of each session. AP Lens browser is run on cloud and any threat present on the user-controlled device or on the IP machine, will stay segregated. You can also use AP Lens' provided IPs to restrict access to the internet devices, and further increase security.Robust infrastructure
Built on AWS cloud
Fully redundant
Bank-level security
SSO authentication
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